How To Run a Node & Farm Incentive Subspace Network

How To Run a Node & Farm Incentive Subspace Network

The Subspace Network is an ambitious layer zero protocol which is the first scalable, secure, & decentralized infrastructure layer for the Web3 ecosystems.

ReWiki Labs · 2 minute read

System Requirements

FARMING CAN BE NETWORK INTENSIVE.Make sure you have a stable network connection. During the plotting phase of farming, it can be network intensive.This may impact your network usage so please check your network connection if you have a hard data limit.

Subspace CLI requires commodity hardware specs to operate. At a minimum, it is recommended to have

Before running anything you need to have a wallet where you'll receive testnet coins. Follow our how-to guides in the Wallets section of the documentation for steps on how to get your wallet setup.

Required ports

Currently, a few ports need to be exposed for node to work properly.

If you have a server with no firewall, there is nothing to be done, but otherwise make sure to open the following TCP ports for incoming connections.

  • 30333

  • 30433

On the desktop side if you have a router in front of your computer, you'll need to forward TCP ports to the machine on which your node is running (how this is done varies from router to router, but there is always a feature like this, refer to How to Forward Ports for a more in-depth tutorial). If you're connected directly without any router, then again nothing needs to be done in such case.